About Us

Constitution and Bylaws


The name of this organization shall be the Ohio Academic Competition.


The Ohio Academic Competition (O.A.C.) is established for the promotion of student academic competition on an interscholastic basis and to qualify schools for national competition. Through participation, students have an opportunity to demonstrate their cognitive skills in a competitive environment. In addition to this personal development, the activity promotes the value of academic endeavors and fosters the importance of learning. The mission of the O.A.C. is to increase the number of schools and students participating in academic competition. This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individuals for reasons of race, national origin, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and/or ability status.


Membership in the O.A.C. is voluntary and shall be open to any school containing a combination of grades 9 through 12 and which meets the following requirements:

1.) The school is chartered by the Ohio Department of Education or operates in accordance with the Ohio Department of Education Minimum Standards Chapter 3301-35-08 Non-Chartered Non-Tax Supported School.

2.) The school has conformed with all bylaws and regulations of the O.A.C.


The O.A.C. committee shall be composed of one Executive Director, two representatives from each region, an equal number of at-large delegates as there are number of regions, and a college representative.

The term of office for all regional representatives and at-large delegates shall be for life. If necessary, regional representatives and delegates may be removed with cause by a simple majority vote of a quorum.

Regional representatives must be active coaches or assistant coaches of a team in Ohio. At-large delegates must be someone actively involved in the quiz bowl community in Ohio. All committee members should have demonstrated an interest in the functions of the O.A.C.

The O.A.C. committee will choose the Executive Director. If a vacancy on the committee occurs, nominations may be made for the open spot and approved by a simple majority vote of a quorum.

Committee members shall be reimbursed for legitimate expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.


The Executive Director will be chosen at the spring meeting of the O.A.C. committee by a simple majority vote. The Executive Director must be someone that is actively involved in the quiz bowl community in Ohio but who is unaffiliated with any team. The duties of the Executive Director will include:

1.) Ordering questions

2.) Conducting elections

3.) Establishing schedules

4.) Ordering awards

5.) Presiding over meetings

6.) Collecting tournament fees and maintaining fiscal records

7.) Handling registration for O.A.C. regional tournaments

8.) Choosing and training readers for the state tournament

9.) Other duties as needed

*The Executive Director may delegate any of the above duties, with the exception of #1, #2 and #6 to another OAC committee member. The Executive Director will be entitled to an honorarium.


The O.A.C. committee will meet at least 2 times per school year. These meetings will be announced in a timely fashion and will be open to all coaches and interested parties. The quorum is a simple majority of committee members. At these meetings, the O.A.C. will:

1.) Determine tournament sites and dates (if necessary)

2.) Assess fees

3.) Determine the source of questions

4.) Amend constitution and bylaws

5.) Determine rules and regulations for tournament play

6.) Seek public and private sources for funding

7.) Determine regional participation

8.) Conduct other business as necessary


A fee will be assessed to schools participating in regional and/or state tournaments.


The following conditions must be met in order to participate in O.A.C. regional or state competition:

1.) Only league or tournament WINNERS from the State of Ohio may automatically qualify for the regional and state competitions.

2.) League/tournament winners are those who are currently participating in existing competitions in any state so long as the tournament is not a single subject tournament, a trash tournament, or a junior varsity (or other experience related) tournament.

3.) The league/tournament must have a minimum of six different participating high schools. In addition, automatic tournament qualification may only occur from initial bracketings of six (not from re-brackets of six teams).

4.) A team may be composed of 4 (minimum) to 8 (maximum) members from grades 9-12 may compete at the regional and state competitions. At all other competitions, players in grades K-12 are allowed to compete without affecting their OAC regional and state eligibility.

5.) Only ONE team per high school may participate in regional and state competitions.

6.) League/tournament runners-up in local competitions are NOT eligible for automatic bids to the O.A.C. tournament but are strongly encouraged to submit an at-large bid.

7.) If a tie for first place occurs locally, one winner must be determined by the local tournament director.

8.) Each team MUST be prepared to supply an experienced person who will be accessible to assist with the matches.

9.) All coaches must sign and abide by the entry agreement (Appendix B). This includes explaining the entry agreement to their players.

10.) All teams must submit the appropriate registration by the date determined by the O.A.C. committee (Appendix C).

11.) The league/tournament official must submit the appropriate registration two weeks BEFORE the tournament date of league competition (Appendix D).

12.) The coach or some faculty member authorized by the principal shall be present with his/her team throughout the competition.

13.) A team that wins its league/tournament and registers but fails to participate in regional or state competition may be subject to suspension from O.A.C. participation during the next school year.

14.) A team must participate in the regional tournament to which it has been assigned by the O.A.C. committee. Determination shall be made by the location of the school not by the location of the tournament which was won.


The date of the O.A.C. regional tournament will be determined at the fall meeting of the O.A.C. committee. The date of the O.A.C. state tournament will be determined at the fall meeting of the O.A.C. committee.


All matches and scoring will be in accordance with procedures outlined by the O.A.C. guidelines that are sent to each participating school (Appendix A).


Amendments to the constitution, bylaws, and tournament procedures require a simple majority of the O.A.C. committee.


All matter not specifically covered by the constitution, bylaws, or published rules shall by adjudicated by the O.A.C. committee.